Showing posts with label nursing students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nursing students. Show all posts

Former Nursing School Leader Charged with Fraud - Sentenced to 21 Months in Prison

Former president and owner of the Palm Beach School of Nursing Johanah Napoleon has been sentenced to 21 months in prison and ordered to pay $3.5 million for her involvement in a fraudulent nursing degree scheme. The scheme came to light following a federal probe, resulting in charges against 25 defendants. In May, five individuals pleaded guilty to the charges.

Last year, Ms. Napoleon admitted guilt to other federal charges relating to conspiracy to commit healthcare fraud and wire fraud.

The scheme's impact is significant, with an estimated 7,600 students affected. These students paid between $10,000 and $17,000, depending on the nursing degree they were seeking. Unfortunately, many nurses caught up in the scam may risk losing their licenses. Some claim to be innocent and unaware of the fraudulent activity, as the fake degrees brought in a staggering $114 million in revenue for the schools involved.


Unvaccinated Nursing Students Face Hurdles Getting Degrees (Video)

Some nursing students who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 struggle to complete their clinical training and degrees. 

Some nursing schools say it's been more challenging to place unvaccinated students in healthcare facilities that will accept them.

Some of our fellow Unit Secretaries are working and going to nursing school simultaneously. 

In my opinion, this mandate will only contribute to the nursing shortage that was present before the pandemic.