Showing posts with label Personal Business Personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal Business Personal. Show all posts

Protecting Your Privacy: Keeping Your Personal Life Separate at Work

Separating our personal and professional lives can be difficult in today's fast-paced and interconnected world. Social networks and smartphones mean that we're connected to our friends and family 24/7, and it can be hard to resist the temptation to check in with them during work hours. 

However, it's important to remember that keeping personal business personal at work is crucial for maintaining a successful and professional workplace culture. 

Whether it's avoiding discussing controversial topics or refraining from sharing photos of last weekend's party, setting boundaries between our personal and professional lives can help us stay focused, productive, and respectful toward our colleagues.


Keeping Personal Business Personal as a Health Unit Coordinator (Video)

People should only know the basics about you, such as whether you are married, have children, or have pets.

  • People should not know that you got laid last night after a one-night stand or that you and your spouse had a screaming match last night, the third one this week.
  • People should not know your financial business. Keep your woe is me to yourself. You're not the only one living paycheck to paycheck.
  • And stop bragging about what you have. Who cares that you are leasing a Mercedes. Most people are laughing at you for leasing a car in the first place. 

Just focus on doing your job.