
400 Brave Nurses March to Capitol Hill, Calling on Congress to Address Hazardous Working Conditions

Nurses from every state in America call for changes in federal legislation to address the current nurse staffing crisis. Almost 400 nurses traveled to Capitol Hill on June 15th to ensure the message was heard, but U.S. legislators have not taken action so far. 

The American Nurses Association (ANA) group seeks to enforce minimum nurse-to-patient ratios that balance nurse workloads, resulting in safer nurse working environments and better patient care. ANA wants nurses to be primary decision-makers in future staffing approaches and regulations to fine-tune the process. 

In addition, they want Congress to implement various measures ranging from ending mandatory overtime to creating national standards to reduce workplace violence. ANA is working with lawmakers and CMS to set nurse staffing standards and testing nursing models led by direct-care nurses to optimize working conditions and patient care.

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