
Florida Hospital Can't Make Payroll (Video)

As any working person knows, a paycheck is essential to cover basic living expenses. So imagine the frustration and anxiety that Healthmark Regional Medical Center employees must feel, as it has been over a month since they were last paid. 

According to WMBB, the workers were last paid on April 22 and should be paid again on May 6. However, "due to circumstances beyond our control," funding wasn't available to cover their paychecks, according to a letter from hospital leadership. 

This is unacceptable, and one can only hope that the hospital can find the funding necessary to pay its employees what they are rightfully owed. In the meantime, let's hope that the workers can find another way to make ends meet.

This is an unacceptable situation that must be rectified immediately. The hospital's leadership is responsible for ensuring that their employees are paid for their work; anything less is a gross failure of that responsibility.

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