
3 Tips for New Unit Secretaries (Video)

These are the 3 Tips I would give to the new Unit Secretaries. 

Take good notes during orientation. You will order tests/exams daily, weekly, or monthly, and once every blue moon. So, what you see in orientation may not come around for a while, so it is best to write everything down. 

There are many different personalities in the hospital. People are stressed by the nurses, doctors, patients, visitors, vendors, etc. One thing that I would recommend is understanding this and walking away when necessary. 

Burnout may happen. You need to know your body and know your limitations. Overtime may be abundant in the hospital setting, and there is a temptation to get a lot of OT. Burnout could still happen even if you choose not to work a lot. I encourage you to use your PTO (Personal Time Off) and vacation. 
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