
Increased Workload as a Health Unit Coordinator

You walk into work, and the dread sets in again. It seems like you're the only Health Unit Coordinator who works there.  But instead of getting angry that your fellow HUCs are lazy and feel as if you're getting punished, look at it another way. 

Look at it as you've proven yourself and that the boss favors you. I'm always told how much they love it when I'm there. We're all being observed and critiqued, and when you're appreciated, people will say so. 

And look at it this way: The more work you do, the faster time flies, and the less gossiping you do. 

In 2008, I worked for a company that handled workers' compensation claims. The recession was starting to set in, so business slowed down. While some of my other coworkers were yelping, I was working. I was still processing the workman's comp. claims (there were some clinics and employers that only I handled), and I was tending to old Accounts Receivable claims. When I handed in my two-week notice later that year, I was told that Upper Management was unhappy. They knew that they were about to lose a good employee. 

Sometimes, we are short a unit coordinator, and they need me to work my unit and another unit (the units are located near each other, as they are sister floors). I've told them I'd do it on the weekends, if needed, but not during the week. I've proven myself by my work ethic and being a team player, so they'll go along with whatever I want. 

So, instead of getting angry, thinking about the situation in another way can benefit you in the long run. 

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