
How to Deal with Violent Patients/Visitors as a Health Unit Coordinator (Video)


        This is a subject that anyone who works in a hospital knows well, and that is violent patients and, in rare cases, violent family members.

    All employers must provide for the safety of their patients, employees, visitors, and doctors. With that said, we as employees must always ensure we protect ourselves.

   As a Health Unit Coordinator, I don't argue with anyone who is unreasonable and is looking for a fight. I always use my “Chain of Command” and involve my immediate supervisor (usually when the patient/visitor is at the nursing station). If the situation gets out of hand, I will call security and ask them to come to the unit.

    There was a situation where a visitor was totally out of control for two days, and everyone was scared to say anything to him because they were afraid that it would “set him off.” I was off those two days, but when I came back, it had totally escalated to the point that one of my coworkers was calling the police, and the administration was forced to take it seriously.

    We were so scared that we all had escape routes planned.

   We should not have to live in fear when we clock into work, but we should also be aware of our surroundings and be ready to run if necessary.

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