
Should You Go Work at Another Facility As a Health Unit Coordinator?

This is the final installment of me sharing some of the areas I cover in my new booklet Steps To Becoming a Health Unit Coordinator.

This is not just another book that lists suggestions. I actually put all of these tips into action – and I share that information with you!

Topics include:
  1. Different Types of Patients – there are many different types – and you have to deal with them differently.
  2. Laptop/Tablet/Cellphone – should you bring these items to work?
  3. Overtime - should this be a short term strategy or a long term plan? Will this lead to faster burnout? How do you say no when the job calls you at 5 o’clock in the morning and asks you if you want to work?
  4. Use of the Internet - should you use the company’s internet to shop for Cyber Monday?
  5. Working at Another Hospital: Should you leave your current position to work at another facility, or should you work in both places?

Want more? Order your copy of Steps To Becoming a Health Unit Coordinator now!
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