I was training a new Health Unit Coordinator, and I'd like some advice for the HUCs who are required to orient the new ones.
As I stated in my booklet Steps To Becoming A Medical Secretary – A Step-By-Step Guide To Working in a Hospital, many new HUCs have no previous experience, and the only requirement they may meet is knowing medical terminology.
And that's not enough.
So here are 5 quick tips for you to remember and pass on.
- Realize that some new hires are still on edge. They're overwhelmed trying to learn a ton of new information and multitask, so be careful with what you say and how you say it. Also, be willing to defend them against any nurse or CNA/PCA who makes any snide remarks to them. They're super sensitive to anything and everything.
- Train them the right way first and then teach them the shortcuts.
- Encourage them to take notes. They will only need to know a ton of information once in a blue moon. A good example: At the hospital where I work, a Case Manager is assigned to a specific department, and the sheet with that information is faxed in the morning. But some days, the fax doesn't go through. Who's the Case Manager for today? How do we get this information? That's the HUCs' responsibility, and they need to know who to call.
- Teach them to be proactive. Merriam-Webster defines the word proactive as acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes. I'm constantly receiving compliments on how thorough I am and how I know where everything is. It's because I'm proactive.
- Teach them what is essential and what can wait. Another good example is this: The new HUC had three admissions coming and two discharges going, and she wanted to go to the other side of the hospital to pick up telemetry strips. I had to tell her no because by the time she got back, two of those admissions would have been there, and then she would be rushing to put the charts together and get the new orders in the computer.
Do you have any suggestions? Share them in the comment section.
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