
Are Health Unit Coordinators Still Necessary? (Video)

Technology is the biggest unknown. Health Unit Coordinators could all be replaced any day now. It's not a matter of if but when.

Hospital administration thinks that anyone can do the job. They believe that being a medical secretary entails "answering the telephone." Sometimes, medical terminology is not even a prerequisite for the job anymore. When they are in the process of hiring, they say to themselves, "Any monkey can be trained to answer the telephone."

But that is not true. It takes multitasking, working under stressful situations, dealing with multiple people and their personalities, and constant interruptions. They personally do way more than just "answer the telephone." They will take specimens down to the laboratory. They assist in wheeling patients out to the car when they are discharged. They pick up blood products to get a blood transfusion; they sometimes sit in the rooms with the patients.

Sometimes, Health Unit Clerks must "answer the telephones" and know how to read EKG monitors.  

When layoffs are announced, medical secretaries are included because they do not value them.

But you and I know that Health Unit Coordinators are the glue that holds the different medical units and departments together.

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